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i-BusinessBanking Helpful Hints

i-BusinessBanking Helpful Hints

Thank you for self-enrolling in i-BusinessBankingTM. Below, we have captured the information you will need to complete this process. If at any time you need assistance, please contact Treasury Management Support at 847-939-9050.

You can obtain the following information from your branch or Treasury Management Support:

  • Bank Routing/ABA Number

Below, you will find the information requested on the self-enrollment screen. Please be prepared to complete these fields once you enter the enrollment site. Please print the Enrollment Confirmation Page at the end of enrollment.

Click here to download a copy of the i-BusinessBanking Helpful Hints.

Field Name

Helpful Hint

User ID

Customer Creates (26 characters)

Enter Password

8 - 12 characters, must contain 1 number and 1 letter

Confirm Password

List the same as above

Company Information

Company Name

Company Legal Name

First Name

Authorized Signer First Name (same as user)

Last Name

Authorized Signer Last Name (same as user)


Authorized Signer’s Title

Telephone Number

User’s Phone Number

Fax Number

User’s Fax Number

E-mail Address

User’s e-mail – Enrollment Completion will be sent here


Business mailing address - no P.O. Box

City, State, Zip

Corresponds with business address


United States or Canada

Bank Branch

Add Branch Name or abbreviation (30 characters)

Branch Ref ID

For Bank Use Only

Tax ID

Main Company Tax ID – nine digits (ex. 32-1231212)

Last Statement ending balance for the first account listed below

Provide exact amount

Date of Last Deposit

Use Format XX/XX/XX

Amount of Last Deposit

Provide exact amount

Link accounts for internal transfer

List yes or no (must have a minimum of 2 accounts)

Account Information

Account Number/ABA (REQUIRED)


Note: The Account Number field says “Optional” but this field is ”Required” and needs to be completed for enrollment.